International Scientific Projects

Collaboration of sociologists from Lviv and Wroclaw universities

Cooperation in the implementation of numerous projects with the Institute of History of Eastern Europe, Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, University of Wroclaw, exchange of teachers, literature, and joint publications, the newest of which is collective monograph “Rozpad imperiów. Establishment of the post-war system in Central and Eastern Europe in the years 1918–1923. Magdalena Gibiec, Grzerorz Gryciuk, Robert Klementowski. Wrocław-Warszawa: Institut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodu Polskiemu, Oddział we Wrocławiu, 2020 (2021);

Cooperation in the implementation of many projects with the Institute of History of the University of Rzeszów, exchange of teachers, literature, joint publications (15 volumes), the latest of which is monograph “Unia Lubelska i Jej Dziedzictwo / Redakcja ks. Stanisław Nabywaniec, Beata Lawrence, ks. Sławomir Zanraniak. Rzeszów: Publishing House of the University of Rzeszów, 2021;

In 2020 publication of the collective monograph of the Department of History of Central and Eastern Europe and History Faculty of the University of Gdańsk “Między wolnością a zniewoleniem. Wartości w historiografii polskiej i środkowoeuropejskie od końca XVIII po początki XXI wieku / Between freedom and Enslavement. Values in Polish and Central European historiography from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 21st centuries. Edited by Barbara Klassa and Leonid Zaszkilniak. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2020);

Teachers of the Department of Ethnology prof. Roman Siletskyi, prof. Mikhail Hlushko, Associate professor Volodymyr Halaichuk participates in the grant №PLBU.01.01.00-18-0365 / 17-00 “The World of Carpathian Rosettes – Measures to Preserve the Uniqueness of the Carpathian Culture”;

Joint research projects with the Jagiellonian University in Krakow “Russia and Poland in the 5–14 centuries” (2018) and “Ukraine and Poland: Relations after 1990” (2020). The latest collective monograph is “Poles and Ukrainians: Relations after 1990”, edited by Volodymyr Horbatenko, Agnieszka Kastory. Krakow: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2021;

Professor Leonid Zashkilnyak is co-leader of the international project titled “Historiography in the Second Rzezcpospolita” (2019–2024).