General-faculty news

V Conference European Integration: History & Political Prospects

24.07.2020 | 16:57

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the V International online conference for students and young researchers “EUROPEAN INTEGRATION: HISTORY AND POLITICAL PROSPECTS”, which will take place on 08 – 09 October 2020 (online mode).
The Conference organizers invite papers, abstracts and presentation proposals relevant to any of the following or related subjects:
• Development and promotion of ideas for the integration of the European countries.
• The history of the European integration process.
• Political, economic, social, legal, humanitarian...

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‘Freigeist’ Fellowships

08.07.2020 | 18:50

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The Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program

25.05.2020 | 22:04

Open call for applications for The Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program which provides non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the United States to mid-career professionals in specified fields.
The Fellowship offers valuable opportunities for professional development through selected university courses (duration: 9 months), conference attendance, networking, and mandatory practical work experiences (duration: 3 months). During the year, Fellows pursue both their individual program goals and work closely with their Humphrey colleagues in workshops and seminars.
The application deadline: July 19, 2020.
Learn more:

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The II All-Ukrainian Archaeological Congress

07.05.2020 | 11:41

Dear colleagues!
The Institute of Archaeology of NAS of Ukraine
The Association of Archaeologists of Ukraine
Malyn City Council
You are invited to participate in the II All-Ukrainian Archaeological Congress
Place: city of Malyn, Zhytomyr Region.
Date: 23 – 26, September 2020
The dates of the congress and the forms of participation may be modified in a view of the epidemiological situation in the country related to COVID-19 and according to the measures taken by the government.
The event will be organized by sessions and round tables.

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