General-faculty news

The U.S. Embassy is proud to announce a call for applications to this year’s Study of the United States Institutes for Scholars, Educators and Teachers

06.12.2021 | 21:16

This program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and will cover all participant costs, including program administration, travel, housing and subsistence, as well as book, cultural, and incidental allowances.

The Institutes will be conducted as traditional in-person programs at U.S. host institutions. Should health, safety, and travel conditions continue to pose significant challenges, the programs will pivot to a modified virtual format. Deadline: December 20, 2021

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2 PhDs at Vienna University at the Institut for Eastern European History and the Institut for Contemporary history

12.05.2021 | 10:07

Duration: 01.08.2021 – 31.07.2024

Deadline for Aplications: 30.05.2021
Topic of the recearch: “Great War and Anthropocene: Empire and Environment in Eastern Europe/ Erster Weltkrieg im Antropozän: Umwelt und Imperienzerfall in Osteuropa”.
PhD 1: Devastated Landscapes
PhD 2: Public Health at the Eastern Front
Interested PhDs can apply with the usual documentation on academic formation, a CV and a short draft (“Ideenskizze”) how you would pursue one of the following two PhD positions. Please make clear in which of the two...

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PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme

09.04.2021 | 15:20

Deadline – June 30, 2021

The PASIFIC Fellowship Programme is a unique opportunity for researchers who want to undertake state-of-the-art research in a dynamic scientific environment. It will enable scholars of all nationalities and across all scientific disciplines to establish their scientific independence and conduct ground-breaking research.
The PASIFIC Fellows will be offered a monthly allowance of approx. €2,500 net.

For 2 years, the fellows will be hosted at one of the institutes within the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), which is one...

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