Онлайн-тренінг “How to Professionally Plan Your Career” від Варшавського університету в рамках проєкту “4EU+ для України”

04.12.2023 | 10:55

4EU+ for Ukraine online workshop for students: “How to Professionally Plan Your Career”

December 12, 2023 (1300-1600 CET, 1400-1700 Ukrainian time)

An interactive workshop designed to help discover and develop your full professional potential. Over three intensive hours, participants will, among other things, learn practical tools for effective job searching and enhance self-presentation skills essential in the recruitment process.

Language of instruction: English.

All the participants can receive a certificate of attendance.

Registration is required. If you are interested, please register online until December 7th 2023:…/1FAIpQLSdaesUpP4ZTfg…/viewform